100% Malt
Real Beer
Formulated with Original Gravity technique from traditional German beer brewing style that no water is added after fermentation

Type: Beer / Premium Full-body Lager
Alcohol by Volume: 5.0%
Bottle Size: 500ml (Bottle),
330ml (Bottle), 355ml (Can)
Ingredients: Purified water, Malt, Hop from Hallertau Germany and Czech Republic, Special yeast from Germany
Characteristics: 100& Malt Real Beer
Formulated with Original Gravity technique from traditional German beer brewing style that no water is added after fermentation
Story: Brand name “Kloud” represents thick frothy white foam resembling the cloud in the sky

Super Clear
Type: Beer / European Style Lager
Alcohol by Volume: 4.5%
Bottle Size: 355ml (Can)
Ingredients: Purified water, Malt, Starch, Hop, Special yeast from Germany
Characteristics: Clean Clear tasting beer yielded by High-purity fermentation and filtration method / Formulated with Original Gravity technique from traditional German beer brewing style that no water is added after fermentation
Story: Brand name “Kloud” represents thick frothy white foam resembling the cloud in the sky and “Super Clear” representing its clean taste